Twenty-two candidates have filed for office in the Colville Business Council primary election scheduled for May 3.
In the Nespelem District Position 1 race, incumbent William “Billy” Nicholson is being challenged by Shawnee N. BearCub and Amelia (Moses) Marchand.
In Nespelem Position 2 race, incumbent Nancy Cawston Johnson is being challenged by Charlene BearCub, Brian J. Nissen and Harvey Moses, Jr.
In the Inchelium District’s Position 2 race, incumbent and current Chairman Michael O. Finley is being challenged by four tribal members: Pat Laramie-Brooks, Marvin Joseph Kheel, Marlin R. Simpson and Yvonne Swan.
There is no primary election for Inchelium Position 1, or in the Keller District.
In the Omak District Position 1 race, five people have filed. They are Shirley K. Charley, John E. Gorr, James A. McCuen, Edwin L. Marchand and Kate Sanchez.
In the Omak Position 2 race, five have filed. They are Darlene “Dar” Burke, Duane E. Hall, Sr., Michael E. Marchand, Stuart J. Sellars and Launa L Squetimkin.
Certification of polling results will be May 5 at 10 a.m. and certification of absentee voting will be at 10 a.m., May 8. The top two in each race move on to the general election, set for June 14.
Polls will open at 8 a.m. in four places on the reservation: Inchelium Long House, Keller Community Center, Nespelem Community Center and Omak Senior meal site.
Half of the business council’s 14 positions come open each year, for two-year terms.
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