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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


4/18 - A local man showed police a debt collection letter from a Nevada firm to the tune of $665. He contacted the state attorney general’s office and was advised to contact the Nevada attorney general’s office.

4/22 - Police checked on the report of a disturbance on Continental Heights. One man claimed that another had pushed him down. One claimed that he had paid the other for a ride. The reporting party stated he didn’t want to press charges, just wanted the other to leave him alone.

4/24 - A man on Burdin Boulevard told police that he thought some children had turned over an outside ashtray and disturbed landscape rocks. He asked that police patrol the area more frequently.

- A Wilbur man fishing in a restricted area near the Left Powerhouse at Grand Coulee Dam gave an officer responding for dam security a bad time and caused damage to the officer’s equipment and abrasions to his shins and swelling to his thigh. The man will be charged with third-degree assault, obstructing an officer, resisting arrest and criminal trespass. The suspect, who also received minor injuries, had an email from a Bureau of Reclamation official about a recently opened fishing area.

- A man found a gas card and thought it might belong to the police department. The officer called on the card number and found it belonged to an employee with the Bureau of Reclamation.

4/25 - Police were contacted by cell phone by a child who said she couldn’t wake her mother up. Police went to the residence and the officer was able to wake the mother.

- A Burdin Boulevard man was stopped for a faulty tail light and for not signaling. The officer found the driver had an expired registration not in the vehicle. He was cited on all charges.

4/26 - An Almira woman was stopped when an officer noticed that she was weaving across the fog line near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam. She was later cited for driving while under the influence and her car was impounded.

- A man told police that he saw a Tribal police vehicle go through Grand Coulee at what he estimated was 80 mph, with his lights on but no siren. Another person confirmed the incident.

- A Mattawa woman told police that her daughter had asked that she be picked up at a Burdin Boulevard location and that a man there had prevented her daughter from leaving. She told police that the man had slit his throat. Police talked to the man who said he had fallen down after taking medication. The daughter left with her mother.

4/27 - A Malott man was told to leave a residence on Hill Avenue. The man refused to take his hands out of his pockets so police cuffed him to remove him.

- A King Street man was cited for failing to stop and not having insurance after he was observed going through a Spokane Way intersection without stopping.

- A woman walking in the northbound lane of SR-155 with her hood pulled over her head and wearing ski goggles in 60-degree weather was told to stay off the highway. Police parked to make sure she stayed out of the roadway.

Coulee Dam


4/20 - An officer was sitting near the old BBQ site and observed a motorist run the stop sign art Mead Way and Fir Street. The lucky motorist only got a warning.

4/21 - A town official asked a vehicle driver with a hazardous waste load where the hazardous waste placard was to which he responded, according to the report: “We’re the government and we don’t need one.” The Washington State Patrol was notified and they were looking for the vehicle.

- A man living on Columbia Avenue told police that someone had tried to pry a clasp off his shop door to gain entry, but they were unsuccessful.

- A resident on Camas Street may face 911 abuse charges. Police responded to a 911 call at the residence and no one was home. The woman who had lived there with her ex-boyfriend left the residence before police arrived. The woman later returned but left again before police could make contact. The officer is going to forward the report to the prosecutor’s office for possible charges. Later the woman contacted police to say the ex-boyfriend had been using her car for sometime, but she had asked for the keys back but he just drove off. Police later found the car in Brewster. The woman said she didn’t want to report the car stolen, she just wanted it returned.

4/23 - A caller reported two women fighting across from the Coulee House in the park. The officer contacted them, but they said they were just waiting for the bus to Omak and had been talking loudly.

4/24 - A man on Yucca said he thought that a town employee had broken his window by throwing a rock. The employee was using a blower to clean the street. The woman at the residence said the town employee was the only person she saw in the area.

- A woman told police that she saw a suspicious man looking into car windows. Police found the man who explained that he came to the area with a man who was looking at his rental property and that he forgot what kind of a car he came in. He said he was looking in the windows to see if he could see his belongings inside the car.

4/26 - Police checked on a domestic violence call from a house on Central Drive and learned that her grandson had hit her son in the mouth after asking him to sign over a check. She said they did not want to press charges. Since those involved were tribal members, police called Tribal Police.

- A woman on Central drive said she was worried about her grandson who was late getting home and was acting strange. Her son arrived and took the man who was acting strange to the hospital for observation.


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