Reports compiled from police files
Grand Coulee
12/13 - A man living on Kelso Avenue in Electric City reported that someone dumped material into his hot tub. The police report stated that the material was the consistency of aquarium/reptile sand. It further stated that it appeared to be a malicious act.
12/16 - A Mazda truck parked illegally on Midway Avenue, with tabs that had expired over a year and a half ago, was removed by a tow vehicle. The vehicle was owned by a Nespelem man.
- A driver’s license belonging to a Bridgeport man was found on Midway Avenue. When police sought to locate him they found that the address on the license was non-existent.
12/17 - Police assisted tribal police, who exercised a court order to remove a child from a residence on Birch Street. When the officer checked on the juvenile mother he found that there was a warrant out for her arrest. He arrested her and transported her to Grant County Juvenile authorities.
- An officer returned from taking a prisoner to Ephrata saw rocks and ice on the roadway. He removed the obstacles.
- An officer checked on a report that a vacant house on the Elmer City Access Road was being burglarized. The house was checked but there was no evidence that the house had been entered. There was a carport light on and the report stated that maybe a realtor had been at the site.
Coulee Dam
- A party reported a domestic violence issue at a house on Yucca Street. Police interviewed a woman who said she got mad because she believed her boyfriend, who had left for work, was in a homosexual relationship with another male. Police learned that the man had an Okanogan County warrant out for his arrest and advised tribal police of the issue.
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