News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

An opportunity to make a difference


With the announcement least week of an upcoming vacancy on Port District 7’s commission, someone wishing to make a difference for the community got another opportunity.

Port districts across the state vary in the services they offer, but can be a huge boon to economic development efforts for the communities they serve.

“Economic development” may sound to some like a boring topic. Think about creating jobs instead.

That’s what port districts in Quincy and Moses Lake have been doing after decades of planning and building. They’ve managed to attract major industries to the region, transforming it from mostly agribusiness to a diversified economic base that includes high tech giants and cutting edge industrial design.

Port District 7 operates the Grand Coulee Dam Airport, owns the golf course and land around it. It collects a modest tax to support its efforts, which do contribute to the local economy.

Anyone wishing to make a difference could find a great opportunity in serving on the three-person elected commission that governs the port.

Scott Hunter

editor and publisher


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