In response to the recent articles pertaining to Burden Boulevard, I am compelled to set the record straight. I am an old man of the block, at 70 years of age, who is in tune with what goes on around the block. I, like many other people here, would gladly share what we have if anyone ever needed to borrow a cup of sugar, eggs, bread, coffee, or even just a simple spice for cooking. You can ask anyone of the block, and I am certain they would say the same. Even when someone has a cook out, they will bring you a dish because we share most anything.
Now, we of limited income live the best we can and cannot see how any comparison of our home and the ghetto can be pretentiously made. Especially when many of us are retired professionals with college degrees and trade skills. I am a retired Mental Health professional of 22 years.
The people of Burden Boulevard are beautiful people who love to joke, laugh and just visit each other, and we like to hug too. Unfortunately, we do not have front yards, just parking places and we are trying to scrape out extra income, and contribute to our community the best way we know how. For instance we are presently trying to raise enough money by means of raffles and lemonade stands for a new swing set and other playground equipment to keep the more than 12 children here busy and safe.
We want it to be known that we are not discouraged by someone who has too much time on their hands.
Mel Toulou
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