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Woman arrested in stabbing

An Electric City woman was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail Thursday evening, after allegedly stabbing her live-in partner twice in the back with a 12-inch kitchen knife.

Kimberly Kay Piapot, 45, and Martin Thomas Stanley, 43, had been arguing at 214.5 W. Grand Avenue in Electric City when Piapot stabbed Stanley, police reported.

Police went to the residence after a call from a neighbor, but couldn’t find either party. Officers learned that Piapot had gone to a residence at 217 Kelso and went there to arrest her.

Stanley couldn’t be found for some time, but later crawled out from beneath a neighbor’s porch, covered with blood, the police report stated.

He was taken by ambulance to Coulee Medical Center where he was treated for the two puncture wounds.

Police reported that a daughter, who was present when the stabbing occurred, told them that “her dad swung and hit her mom and then she stabbed him.”

The bloody knife was found near the kitchen sink and taken as evidence.

Piapot was released from jail the next day and sought out police to explain her release conditions, which included having no contact with Stanley and a curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. She was to appear this week in court on a second-degree assault charge.

Police said that Piapot had thrown a salsa dish at Stanley and missed, and then charged him. He told police that he pushed her away and that’s when she got a knife and stabbed him.

The two have been living together for more than 20 years.


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