News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area



CALL FOR BIDS FOR Conference Room/Office Chairs

The City of Electric City will sell by sealed bid the following:

10 Conference room/office chairs (quantity 10)

The items are being sold AS IS and is available for viewing. Please call City Hall at (509) 633-1510 to make an appointment during normal operating hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am– 5:00pm). Bids must be submitted on the City supplied bid form which may be obtained at Electric City City Hall or online at Sealed bids must be received at City Hall (10 Stevens Ave., Electric City) by 4:00pm, Friday, June 28, 2024. Sealed Bids, plainly marked “Sealed Bid,” will be opened at 11:01am. The successful bidder will submit payment and remove the purchased item by 4:00pm, Friday, July 5, 2024. Failure to pay for and remove the purchased item will cause the item to be awarded to the next highest bidder.

Peggy Nevsimal, City Clerk/Treasurer

(Publish: June 19 & 26, 2024)



1965 Utility Trailer

The City of Electric City will sell by sealed bid the following:

1) 1965 Utility Trailer, minimum bid $500.

The vehicle is being sold AS IS and is available for viewing. Please call City Hall at (509) 633-1510 to make an appointment during normal operating hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am– 5:00pm).

Bids must be submitted on the City supplied bid form which may be obtained at Electric City City Hall or online at

Sealed bids must be received at City Hall (10 Stevens Ave., Electric City) by 4:00pm, Friday, June 28, 2024. Sealed Bids, plainly marked “Sealed Bid,” will be opened at 11:01am.

The successful bidder will submit payment and remove the purchased item by 4:00pm, Friday, July 5, 2024. Failure to pay for and remove the purchased item will cause the item to be awarded to the next highest bidder.

Peggy Nevsimal, City Clerk/Treasurer

(Publish: June 12 & 19, 2024)


CALL FOR BIDS FOR 1992 Dodge Ram Passenger Van

The City of Electric City will sell by sealed bid the following:

1992 Dodge Ram Passenger Van with approximately 76,000 miles on the odometer, minimum bid is $1,000.

The vehicle is being sold AS IS and is available for viewing. Please call City Hall at (509) 633-1510 to make an appointment during normal operating hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am– 5:00pm). Bids must be submitted on the City supplied bid form which may be obtained at Electric City City Hall or online at Sealed bids must be received at City Hall (10 Stevens Ave., Electric City) by 4:00pm, Friday, June 28, 2024. Sealed Bids, plainly marked “Sealed Bid,” will be opened at 11:01am. The successful bidder will submit payment and remove the purchased item by 4:00pm, Friday, July 5, 2024. Failure to pay for and remove the purchased item will cause the item to be awarded to the next highest bidder.

Peggy Nevsimal, City Clerk/Treasurer

(Publish: June 19 & 26, 2024)

Notice of Public


Town of Coulee Dam

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held to consider the Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program (TIP) for 2025 – 2030. The Public Hearing will be held in the Coulee Dam Town Hall Council Chambers, 300 Lincoln Ave, Coulee Dam Washington, at the regular council meeting of Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at which time the public may give written or oral testimony.

Stefani Bowden


(Publish June 12 & 19, 2024)



1989 Chevy Brush Truck

The City of Electric City will sell by sealed bid the following:

1989 Chevy Brush Truck with approximately 84,000 miles on the odometer, minimum bid is $5,000.

The vehicle is being sold AS IS and is available for viewing. Please call City Hall at (509) 633-1510 to make an appointment during normal operating hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am– 5:00pm). Bids must be submitted on the City supplied bid form which may be obtained at Electric City City Hall or online at Sealed bids must be received at City Hall (10 Stevens Ave., Electric City) by 4:00pm, Friday, June 28, 2024. Sealed Bids, plainly marked “Sealed Bid,” will be opened at 11:01am. The successful bidder will submit payment and remove the purchased item by 4:00pm, Friday, July 5, 2024. Failure to pay for and remove the purchased item will cause the item to be awarded to the next highest bidder.

Peggy Nevsimal, City Clerk/Treasurer

(Publish: June 19 & 26, 2024)

Notice of

Change of Regular

Meeting date for

Public Hospital District No. 6, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln,

& Okanogan Counties, Wash.

Public Hospital District No. 6, Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, and Okanogan Counties, Washington; which operates Coulee Medical Center and Coulee City Medical Clinic, will be changing the regular board meeting date for June.

The next board meeting will be held

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 6pm

(Publish June 19,2024)


School Board Meeting

Notice of

Date Change

Please be informed that the Board of Directors of the Grand Coulee Dam School District has changed the date of their Regular School Board Meeting from Monday June 24th to Wednesday June 26th. Due to scheduling conflicts.

(Publish June 19,2024)

GCD School District


The Grand Coulee Dam School District is accepting written  food service proposals from qualified food service management companies (FSMC’s) to provide services according to Local Education Agency (LEA) specifications.

Obtain detailed specifications from and file proposals with:

Rod Broadnax, Superintendent

Grand Coulee Dam School District

110 Stevens Ave.

Coulee Dam, WA 99116

A copy of the complete RFP is available on the district’s website at Sealed proposals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. June 28th 2024. Proposals received after scheduled closing cannot be considered.

The LEA reserves the right to accept any proposal that it deems most favorable to its interests. It also reserves the right to waive any informalities and irregularities and reject any and/or all proposals or any portion of any proposal submitted which in their opinion is not in the best interest of the LEA.

A pre-bid conference will be held on June 20th at the address listed above. Each FSMC is limited to a maximum of two representatives. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is strongly recommended if you wish to submit a proposal. The purpose of this conference is to answer questions related to our food service program.

No bidder may withdraw or alter his proposal after the time set for opening thereof, unless award of contract is delayed for a period of more than forty-five (45) days from the date of opening.

(Publish May 29, June 5,12,19,2024)

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