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Wilder was clear, professional, respected

Letters to the Editor

My previous letter to you was not published and I didn’t think much about it, assuming you seek to balance the public input for fairness. I feel compelled to write again after reading the letter from Mayor Snow’s daughter that was recently published.

I can understand why a loving child would feel the need to defend and support her father. What I can’t understand is why the father (Mayor Snow) can’t defend and support himself! I haven’t seen one letter from him either promoting an issue, or defending his position. Why is that?

To be fair, I worked with Mr. Wilder for a number of years and I also consider him a personal friend. As the Human Resources Manager for Issaquah during Greg’s tenure, I can assure you of his impeccable character and professional integrity. Some may be offended by his “style” and unrelenting pursuit of a goal, but he is amazingly productive and is willing to provide rationale for each action to those interested.

His staff revered him and the community respected him because they were all involved in his decision-making processes. You will always know how he feels and where he stands … you will never be left second-guessing.


Lois Taylor


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